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Staying Safe While Having Fun

This ongoing research and design progress is geared towards creating a system that helps Georgia Tech students party safely and worry less. 

Why? Over drinking and the other safety issues it may cause are a concern for many Georgia Tech students. If students are going to party, we want to help them party safely.

Who are our stakeholders?


We started our research by exploring the methods students already use to keep them and their friends safe at parties. The two pictured here are location sharing apps and the Stingerette, a free Georgia Tech resource that acts as a designated driver.


Our Research

Objective: Identify the safety concerns undergraduate students have when it relates to parties, and create a system to promote safety in that environment.  
Methods and Rationale: 

-Field Observation: To get first-hand perspective on the limitations that must be designed for in the party experience.

-Task Analysis: To learn the flow of tasks done at a party and analyze how our system will flow to optimally support the user.

-Interviews: To gain in-depth insight of user attitudes, needs, and pain points.

-Surveys: To get a wide range of user sentiments about the party experience (we gathered over 60 responses) to learn what safety concerns they truly had.

Our Data

We interviewed four students, and analyzed the data through affinity mapping.



We used surveys to gather large amounts of data (50+ responses) to get a general idea of user attitudes towards party safety. After interviews, we determined that over drinking was the widest held safety concern, so we focused our survey questions on that issue. Here is some of the data gathered, which confirmed our focus.

Observation and task analysis was done at a Georgia Tech party to gain insight on how different activities occur.

What's Next?: Design Ideation

We started our design ideation process by concept mapping all the factors related to safety at parties. After mapping and ideating, we came up with ten ideas. Next we will work through our design ideas to choose one to prototype.

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